This Azure Synapse Tutorial contains below topic:
- Azure Synapse Analytics Overview: Know the components of Azure Synapse
- Azure Synapse workspace Overview
- Create Azure Synapse workspace in Azure portal

What is Azure Synapse Analytics?
Azure Synapse Analytics brings together data integration, data warehousing and big data analytics under an umbrella dramatically reducing the time to build an analytics solution & accelerating the time to insight.
- Data Integration: Azure Synapse pipeline is used for data integration.
- Data Warehouse: Azure Synapse SQL is used as Data warehouse in the name of Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool.
- Big Data Analytics: Synapse SQL, Synapse Spark pool and data explorer is used as big data analytics.
Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace:
- Azure synapse workspace is a collaboration boundary for Data Integration, Data warehousing & big data analytics.
- It is deployed in a specific region.
- It is associated with ADLS Gen2 account & file system.
Video Link for this Azure Synapse Tutorial:
More from Azure Synapse:
- Azure Synapse Analytics Intelligent Cache for Apache Spark:
- Flowlet transformation in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse pipeline: