Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Redesigned: Exam AZ-305 is live now

Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions is LIVE Now:

Now this is Exam AZ-305 is one of prerequisite to earn Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification.

Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Path (Image source

How Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification paths has been evolved:

PAST to FUTURE -How it is evolving?

  1. PAST: (AZ-300 + AZ-301) – Already retired.
  2. PRESENT: (AZ-303 + AZ-304) – will retire effective March 31, 2022.
  3. PRESENT & FUTURE: (Azure Administrator Associate certification + AZ-305) – LIVE

Planning to earn this Azure Solutions Architect certification? Then please check yourself where you are in the below scenario and act accordingly:

  1. You have not taken any exam yet: then (Recommendation is to ) earn Azure Administrator Associate certification and pass Exam AZ-305
  2. You have not taken any exam yet: Pass both Exam AZ-303 & Exam AZ-304 before they retire on March 31, 2022. But recommendation is to opt option 1 (Administrator Associate + Exam AZ-305) to be remain updated.
  3. You already earned Azure Administrator Associate certification, then just pass Exam AZ-305.
  4. You only earned AZ-305 while was in beta, now just earn Azure Administrator Associate certification.
  5. You already passed Exam AZ-303, pass the new Exam AZ-305.
  6. You already passed Exam AZ-303, then ACT fast to pass Exam AZ-304 before it retires on March 31, 2022.
  7. You already passed Exam AZ-300, then ACT fast to pass Exam AZ-304 before it retires on March 31, 2022.
  8. You already passed Exam AZ-301, then ACT fast to pass Exam AZ-303 before it retires on March 31, 2022.

Those who already holds this certification:

If your certification renewal is due in 6 months, don’t take Exam AZ-305, please renew it by passing the assessment in Microsoft Learn and get extend another one year at free of cost.

Please feel to ask question/query below in comment section. Thanks for reading; ALL THE BEST.

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